es un pagina web fraudulenta, es la misma que cost-cargo[removed by editor] y modernacargo[removed by editor] Ya ha sido denunciada
It is a fraudulent website, it is the same as cost-cargo[removed by editor] and moderncargo[removed by editor] It has already been reported. SCAM
es un pagina web fraudulenta, es la misma que cost-cargo[removed by editor] y modernacargo[removed by editor] Ya ha sido denunciada
It is a fraudulent website, it is the same as cost-cargo[removed by editor] and moderncargo[removed by editor] It has already been reported. SCAM
pagina web farudulenta, es una estafa internacional, cambian el nomre dela pagina web pero sigue siendo el mismo modelo, antes eran fabian-cargo[removed by editor] y ahora son cost-cargo[removed by editor]
Fraudulent website, it is an international scam, they change the name of the website but it is still the same model, before they were fabian-cargo[removed by editor] and now they are cost-cargo[removed by editor]