Up until today, bitcointimes.net is still making more bitcoin demands of me; the 8.9btc deal I closed since December 31,2019. She has not yet release, she thought she could make me her slave btc; and her my slave master for ever. She is a vampire, btc bloodsucker; evil monster preyed wicked evil games on hard earned investors of the state. Making them her victims by the minutes, through different sites; and btc addresses. She is now retaliates against me, for exposing her on social media for being the satanic/ demonnic evil monster that she is, pretending to be human to ruined; and destroyed the innocent.She us now demanding 2.20 percent from me daily after I paid her taxes on all the 8.9 btc, paid holding fees after she said I didn't have to since she has been liying to me from day one; now claimed I owed her 0.1958btc when she finally answered my emailed, she will burn in hell; for all the evil deeds she has done to innocent folks since 2017; investors had enough. She will reap exactly as she sowed, and then some; in the bloidy name if Jesus. I am not one of the newbies she has been making a career scamming, I now gave $14.500 into this deal; I worked too hard for my money.Life is too short, I will be dawm to let her get away with this murder; prison is too nice of a place for her to be since taxpayers are paying for that. Justice will prevail, sooner then she thinks; in the bloody name if Jesus. She thinks she is untreatable and untouchable; God is real and alive. Devil woman, you cannot and will not runs nor governs the universe; psycho evil monster<br />
Three months ago after being scamed twice by 13xbtc, and bitcoin doubler; i sent an email to bitcointimes.net asking questions about the company after two months of research. We communicate back, and forth; and when i explained to him how i was scamed twice in the same week. He told me no, we do pay you will see; although the nature of this business is really not to trust. I was convinced; i prayd decided to invest the remaining funds for the third investments as planed.Know nothing is easy in life, otherwise everyone would be doing it; remenber key words only invest what you can afford to lose. If every investors would take the time out, to get to know the person behind the company that you investing; i believe there will be less scams.First do your own research, don' t go with what someone else said; and dont put yourself in any position to be bait by scamers. By you not doing what you were supposed to do, the person saw in you a first timer; and that aling open the door for them to take advantage of you.Alot of bad reviews could be avoided, if we as investors; were to take the time out to ask questions. In case a system problems happen,most exchanges are scamers; the few that choose to do the righteous things. Even at the last minute, does not need to be in the same basket with all the bad apples that are out there.
Click2sell is a scam.Rodger, Harrisson;Scott griffing are all scamers.I started with 200 dollars with rodger, everyday Harrisson called to put more money, 3 days later i upgraded to silver.Since it's a bigger account Scott Griffing was appointed manager to managed the funds, they set up a fake buildboard to make you think that you are making money, when in reality your money was gone since the monent they pulled it from you.I requested a refund since last Wednesday i was ignored.A lady from purchase guard claimed she couldn't see the money in order to release it. She then put this guy on who clained there were some technical problems and will get it fixed, get back to me in 24 to 48 hrs.Since then, i found out on different forums, that other victims after investing their lives savings all over in the US; couldn't redraw.Lost all their lives saving money lost as well on click2sell.co. and Click2sell.eu the same scam companies.Tons and tons of people lives got destroyed, turned upside down as a result.These scamers have no conscious, they are not human beings they evils.They notify the authorities on their activities here.When they think that they are invested in their futures, these scamers are laughing to the bank.Since stealing is a joke to them.Well in the name of Jesus the joke is on them.They will stop stealing, and will get exact what they deserved and then some.God is alive, he is watching; and does not like ugly.
Bioscimax scamed 817 dollars from me going on four months now, i got lies from Matthew thomas/ Matt thomas, Cortney; christian in returned.I Got bullied and disrespected, by Marck the so called owner.Who called me an A..last week, claimed that i bothered him while he ate his lunch. Its a disgraced, to be abused this way; after the four partners in crimes stole my hard earned money, i reported them to all government agencies, and authorities.Which they feel that they are above the law, and untouchables.Since they refuse to reply to any letters sent to them.I proceed on rebuking the demonic satan out of his evil doer 77 times, sent it back and burn in hell, where he came from; only there can he do what he likes to other satan like him,get away with it, and be a jerk at the same time. In the bloody name of Jesus.Bioscimax/ the four scamers will fall back into the same pit hole they dig for this child of God.Satan cannot, and does not rule the universe.He cursed himself when he chose to steal from me, he didn't work for it; he cannot and will not keep the funds in the mighty name of Jesus..Law of the universe,he will reap exactly what he sow; and then some.Life is too short, it's arrogant thieves like that; who make America the way it is today.Where the customers got mislead by fake advertisements from Matt thomas/ Matthew thomas, get me to sent my hard earned money to Cortney at bioscimax for a launch on April 18, 2019; which he claimed the affiliate will make 75percent back in returned.As soon Cortney recieved the money. Matt thomas disappear, leaving Cortney and Christian to lie and do damage control.When i had enough of the duos run around,Cortney got Marc the owner as bullied so i can back off.When you dare asked for a refund. The devil called me an A.., disrespected me.He needed some hard Jesus, i gave it to him.I rebuked him; he blocked me of the company phone, and cortney phone; so i don't bother him anylonger.He cowards his way out, by runing, hiding;and blocking me and that of course was his famous way on solving this problem.Where i come from.As a spiritual being, i must do the righteous thing by others always.He shall be tormented until he returned to sender all he stole in the name of Jesus.Satan has no power over me.I am a child of God covered by the mighty blood of Jesus in real life. Not in his satanic life. The devil is a liar.Thks for reading Gblss