The quality of the leather is exceptional. I ordered two bags and, it looks good on me. The shop is open 24/7 online and, the customer support response quickly too. Overall, the experience that I got here is outstanding. I would gladly order again.
I had a good experience selling a vehicle with Shift. The initial online estimate was better than similar services and proved to be in line with my payment following the final vehicle evaluation. Shift was communicative during all parts of the process and I felt comfortable knowing what to expect. I found the process efficient and hassle free, and felt the payment I received was fair.
Irene Duffy was a pleasure to work with. While I’ve always had a good working relationship with Marlin from an organizational standpoint the service from many of the reps have been sub par. We now have a rep that is dependable, knowledgeable and will to the extra mile to ensure the success of our business and customers. Thank you Irene!