متاسفانه تمام کیف پولم راخالی کردند ووقتی به پشتیبانی تماس کرفتم گفتندبه دلیل امنیتی کیف پول شماراخالی کردیم وبرای بازگشت پول بایدبه همان اندازه که پول ازدست دادیدبایدپول واریزکنید این سایت کاملاکلابرداری است
A professional scammer scammed me out of $14,000 on this website and I couldn't get my money back.
They also have a Telegram channel, all of whose members are fake, using virtual numbers, and all the members of this group are controlled by the group manag
A professional scammer scammed me out of $14,000 on this website and I couldn't get my money back.
They also have a Telegram channel, all of whose members are fake, using virtual numbers, and all the members of this group are controlled by the group manager.<br />
Fraud telegram channel<br />
A professional scammer scammed me out of $14,000 on this website and I couldn't get my money back.<br />
They also have a Telegram channel, all of whose members are fake, using virtual numbers, and all the members of this group are controlled by the group manager.<br />
Fraud telegram channel<br />
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