The worst thing I did was to give them my trust, and they took my hard earned money If not by the help of [removed by editor] on whatsq
(Àt)F|.U|.N|.D|.S|.R|.E|.T|.R|.I|.E|.V|.E|.R| on Telegram, that help me [removed by editor] lost funds back I could’ve lost everything.
The worst thing I did was to give them my trust, and they took my hard earned money If not by the help of [removed by editor] on whatsq
(Àt)F|.U|.N|.D|.S|.R|.E|.T|.R|.I|.E|.V|.E|.R| on Telegram, that help me [removed by editor] lost funds back I could’ve lost everything.