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THE Fit-IN-Rehab PROJECT Erasmus+ SPORT PROGRAMME Project nr.: 101089483 PROJECT OVERVIEW & GOALS Project owerview Goals PROJECTOVERVIEW The main target group are disabled people 60+ after rehabilitation or treatment, who are often left to fend for themselves and are not motivated enough to perform movement exercises that are extremely important for maintaining their health. They face many problems in their environment, often having certain movement limitations related to their illness or disability. This causes certain psychological problems and decreased self-confidence. In Fit-IN Rehab project, student volunteers will gain appropriate professional skills to encourage and enable older people with disabilities 60+ to participate in many sports activities after rehabilitation and treatment and maintain mobility. Two main target groups will benefit from the project results: a) seniors with disabilities 60+ and b) student volunteers from non-medical filed, who will gain the appropriate knowledge to work with the disabled. Special attention will be paid to the individual approach to disabled seniors 60+ and the acquisition of relevant skills in the field of health and sport. Particularly important will be the co-operation with the sports organizations, clubs and the medical and the medical profession. To this end, we will create a special on-line training program for volunteers that will include specifics important for the activation of people with disabilities in movement. It is crucial to consider their condition (physical and mental) by publishing various simple sport exercises on e-portal, that seniors with disabilities will be able to perform at home. With the right approach, their autonomy and motivation for sport will increase. The descriptions of the exercises will be simple, supplemented by illustrative videos. To raise awareness, we will issue a manual with information about sports exercises for seniros and injury prevention. We plan to train 100 student volunteers from non-medical filed and test the developed Fit-IN Rehab exercises with at least 150 disabled seniors 60+. The Fit-IN Rehab project is easy to replicate and multiply and can become a model for promoting sports for the seniors. GOALS Collect researches, expertise and good practices about disabled persons sport activation to explore their needs and interests and any problems with performing exercise. Identify which physical activities elderly prefer, their expectations, problems and negative consequences and health problems which occur due to not being physically active. Collection of min. 10 articles (NA, EU), and analysis the results. Preparation of summary report and recommendations. Research among volunteer students, from non-medical fields, to determine the necessary knowledge they need for sports activation of the disabled and support for the correct implementation of exercises. At least 25 students from each partner country will be surveyed, with a total of 125 participants at a minimum. Develop a set of sport exercises for disabled persons after rehabilitation or treatment, respecting the results of online research, best practices and professional experiences of involved project partners? staff, sport and other experts/stakeholders. Select the best motivation strategy to motivate seniors to be more physically active. Cooperation with sport organizations/associations, fitness and group exercises organizations and other sport clubs is an important aspect. Innovative approaches are necessary in order to attract the target group to raise their inclusion in sport activities; Curriculum and learning material development for student volunteers is the core of student volunteers training. We will design the curriculum for student volunteers training Fit-IN Rehab, develop digital learning platform for education and information and prepare the learning material. The digital learning platform will be intent for the training of student volunteers (blended learning) and also for informational purpose for the disabled seniors and other interested public, as it will include sports exercises for the elderly after rehabilitation / treatment. Learning material for student volunteers will include topic psychological support and empowerment of people with disabilities for sports, motivation senior in sport, and materials as important aspect at dealing with the sports activities of the elderly, like injury prevention, disability and sport and similar. Train cca. 100 student volunteers from non-medical fields (min 20/per partner) by programme Fit-IN Rehab, to learn sport exercises for disabled persons after rehabilitation and other topics as individual approach to disabled seniors, psychological support and the acquisition of relevant skills in the field of health and sport. Particularly important will be the co-operation with the sports organizations and clubs and medical profession as well. Preparation the structure of workshop and learning material. The training will be implemented with the support of the e-learning platform and developed learning material. Pilot implementation of the innovative sport programme Fit-IN Rehab with persons with disabilities after rehabilitation/treatment and student volunteers support in all 5 partners? countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Italy and Serbia) min (30 persons per partner), all together 150. Pilot training will be lead by experienced student volunteers successfully finished the training workshop Fit-IN Rehab. Dissemination activities The project consortium will prepare dissemination activities plan. It will include measurable and realistic objectives, timetable and resources. The main goal is to reach the greatest possible number disabled persons after rehabilitation/treatment, student volunteers, trainers, coaches and other relevant public. We plan to use social media pages (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.), each partner will use the pages from their organization (min. 1000 visitors). Setup of the awareness campaign on Facebook (cca. 10.000 views) The project is also going to be promote by leaflets, posters and flyers. Where we are going to promote the developed sports and exercises for disabled persons for potential users relevant stakeholders and wide public. Project partners NEWS All Posts incontri internazionali international meetings me?unarodni sastanci Online meetings Uncategorized Uncategorized Uncategorized Uncategorized Uncategorized Uncategorized S??????? ?? ? ??????? 6.6.24. June 7, 2024/No Comments Partneri su razgovarali o sledec?im temama:1) Pregled projektnih aktivnosti / rezultata ? URI-SO?AIsporuke su pripremljene u skladu sa rokovima i? Read More 2 incontro del TC a Lubiana 6.6.24. June 7, 2024/No Comments I partner discutono sui seguenti argomenti:1) Panoramica delle attivit/prodotti finali del progetto ? URI-SO?AI risultati sono stati preparati secondo le? Read More TC-Treffen in Ljubljana, 24.6.6. June 7, 2024/No Comments Die Partner diskutieren ber
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Evaluarea a fost vizualizată de 1 ori.

First analyzed: 2024-12-20 17:45:22. Ultima actualizare: 2024-12-20 17:45:22

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Odată cu creșterea influenței internetului, crește și prevalența escrocheriilor online. Există escroci care fac tot felul de afirmații pentru a prinde victimele în capcană online - de la oportunități false de investiții la magazine online - iar internetul le permite să opereze din orice parte a lumii, în anonimat. Capacitatea de a detecta escrocheriile online este o abilitate importantă, deoarece lumea virtuală devine din ce în ce mai mult o parte din fiecare aspect al vieții noastre. Sfaturile de mai jos vă vor ajuta să identificați semnele care pot indica faptul că un site web ar putea fi o înșelătorie. Bunul simț: Prea bun pentru a fi adevărat Atunci când căutați bunuri online, o ofertă avantajoasă poate fi foarte atrăgătoare. O geantă Gucci sau un iPhone nou la jumătate de preț? Cine nu ar vrea să profite de o astfel de ofertă? Escrocii știu și ei acest lucru și încearcă să profite de acest lucru. Dacă o ofertă online pare prea bună pentru a fi adevărată, gândiți-vă de două ori și verificați de două ori lucrurile. Cel mai simplu mod de a face acest lucru este să verificați pur și simplu același produs pe site-uri web concurente (în care aveți încredere). Dacă diferența de preț este uriașă, ar fi mai bine să verificați de două ori restul site-ului. Verificați legăturile din rețelele sociale Social media este o parte esențială a afacerilor de comer

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