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Big scammers. There is 2 people with the name Jacob Tettman and Ben Emin. They invest your money and wh you want to withdraw then you must pay 12.5% insurance fee and then dhen you pay it then they close your account and deleted their contract details fro

Big scammers.
There is 2 people with the name Jacob Tettman and Ben Emin. They invest your money and wh you want to withdraw then you must pay 12.5% insurance fee and then dhen you pay it then they close your account and deleted their contract
Data do comentário 2024-06-29 08:57:52
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This guys are big scammers. They ask to invest on this platform and then they trading for you and then it get more profit. But when you must withdraw you must pay 12.5% of the amount that is in your account and then when you pay it then they lock
Data do comentário 2024-06-29 07:52:47
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