Hieronder vind je de antwoorden op de meest voorkomende vragen van zowel consumenten als website eigenaren.
Sinds 2012 zijn we bezig het algortime om onbetrouwbare websites te identificeren te verbeteren. We verzamelen daarvoor data uit meer dan 40 bronnen. Factoren die we onder andere meenemen zijn het IP adres van de server, het adres van de website eigenaar, positieve en negatieve reviews, de reputatie van de registrar, de aanwezigheid van contact gegevens en een SSL certificaat en nog veel meer.
Instructies hoe je het ScamAdviser logo op je site kan plaatsen vind je hier.
De Trust Score houdt ook gedeeltelijk rekening met informatie waarvan de juistheid niet rechtstreeks door ons kan worden gecontroleerd, bijvoorbeeld gebruikersbeoordelingen. Als u het gevoel heeft dat wij uw website niet de juiste Trust Score hebben gegeven (slechts enkele websites hebben een perfecte score van 100) en/of dat bepaalde gebruikersbeoordelingen die op onze website zijn geplaatst onjuist zijn, neem dan gerust contact met ons op.
We krijgen vaak de vraag of het tonen van informatie over een domeinnaam in strijd is met de Europese GDPR (Privacy) wetgeving.
We hebben het nagevraagd bij een juridisch adviseur en zij gaf ons het volgende antwoord:
"URL's of domeinnamen zijn publiek beschikbare gegevens. De GDPR beschermt de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Domeinnamen worden niet beschouwd als persoonlijke gegevens, dus de GDPR is niet van toepassing."
Scamadviser is in 2018 gekocht door Ecommerce Operations om het Internet veiliger te maken en consumenten te helpen om niet meer bedrogen te worden door fraudeurs.
Het spijt ons dat je tegen een frauduleuze website bent aangelopen. Je kan de website rapporteren en zo andere consumenten waarschuwen.
Neem contact op met het bedrijf via welke je hebt betaald (bijvoorbeeld Paypal, Adyen, Ingenico, etc.) en leg uit dat je bent bedrogen door een onbetrouwbare website en je graag je geld terug wilt.
Ook je bank kan je soms adviseren hoe je je geld kan terug krijgen. Als je betaald hebt middels een credit card, kan je een "charge back process" starten. Neem hiervoor contact op met je credit card bedrijf.
Laat natuurlijk ook een review achter op Scamadviser zodat andere gewaarschuwd kunnen worden.
Erg fijn om te horen! Je kan onze website beoordelen op Facebook en natuurlijk op onze eigen Scamadviser pagina. Dank je wel!
Nee! Onze rating dient slechts als indicatie. Gebruik altijd je eigen verstand. Hoewel we continue de ScamAdviser Betrouwbaarheidsscore te verbeteren, kunnen bedrijven altijd van eigenaar wisselen, failliet gaan of andere trucks gebruiken om hun identiteit te verbergen. Lees onze Tips & Info om te controleren of een website geen scam is.
Dat is aan jou. We rating iedere website op basis van meer dan 40 criteria. Als het jou niet uitmaakt dat een Nederlandse website in werkelijkheid uit China komt, dan is dat aan jou. Onze Scamadviser Betrouwbaarheidsscore is slechts een indicatie.
Soms kan het checken van een website langer duren. Dat omdat we data opvragen uit meer dan 40 verschillende bronnen. We proberen zo goed als mogelijk de betrouwbaarheid van een website in te schatten, dat kan helaas soms even duren.
If you want to adjust the subscription plan, there are two following methods:
Go to 'Settings' in the ScamAdviser app, click 'Manage Subscription', and then go to the App Store to adjust the subscription plan.
Go directly to 'Account' > 'Subscriptions' > 'ScamAdviser' in the App Store to adjust the subscription plan.
Based on the term of use of the App store, if you choose to upgrade when adjusting the plan (such as upgrading from "Monthly Plan" to "Yearly Plan"), the change will take effect immediately; if you choose to downgrade when adjusting the plan (such as upgrading from "Yearly Plan" downgraded to "Monthly Plan"), the change will not be displayed until the end of the original current subscription service period.
According to the terms of the App Store, the subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please apply to https://reportaproblem.apple.com.
Our subscription is provided by the App Store.
If you want to cancel the subscription, please refer to the following steps:
Enter iOS Settings -> Tap your name -> Subscriptions.
Find ScamAdviser Premium Plan -> Tap Cancel subscription.
According to the terms of the App Store, the subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please apply to https://reportaproblem.apple.com.
We uses VPN to automatically check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
When a suspicious website is found, we will remind you through push notifications in real-time
Please upgrade your ScamAdviser App to the latest version before you can start using it. If you are a Premium subscriber, please open the ScamAdviser App > Turn on the switch fot Auto Protection to check if it is enabled.
If you have not yet add VPN configurations, allow it when you turn on the switch fot Auto Protection, and then follow the system instruction to activate Auto Protection.
We understood the risk you're worrying about, we ask for your permissions just to provide a better function for our user.
1. VPN configurations is needed to check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
2. Notification permission is needed for sending timely alert whena suspecious website is detected.
ScamAdviser uses a special algorithm to assess websites and assigns them to one of five risk levels based on their score:
1 to 20 - Very likely Unsafe: Websites in this range have a high risk of being malicious or untrustworthy. They may contain malware, phishing and scams. Please exercise extreme caution and avoid entering any personal information.
21 to 40 - Likely Unsafe: Although less risky than the previous category, you should still be careful with websites in this category. They may contain questionable offerings or practices, so be careful when downloading files or carrying out transactions.
41 to 60 - Caution Recommended: Websites in this category are not considered particularly safe or dangerous. Further research may be necessary before relying on it.
61 to 80 - Likely Safe: Websites with scores in this range are generally considered okay. They do not have a bad reputation. Caution is always advised, however, especially when you need to provide sensitive (payment) information.
81 to 100 - Very Likely Safe: Websites at this top level are considered very reliable and trustworthy. They usually belong to recognized organizations or established companies.
ScamAdviser sends notifications for websites categorized under Likely Unsafe, or Very Likely Unsafe levels, which we consider needing caution.
If you receive a notification, we recommend leaving the site immediately and refraining from sharing personal information
We check sites that you're actively visiting, as well as sites that the app is connected to in the foreground and background, so the total number of checks will exceed the number of sites you've viewed
We do not store or use your browsing history and personal data
The Trust Score also partly takes into account information whose accuracy cannot be directly verified by us, e.g. user ratings. If you have the feeling we have not given your website the right Trust Score (only a few websites have a perfect score of 100) and/or that certain user reviews submitted on our website are incorrect, please feel free to contact us.
If you want to cancel the subscription, please follow the instruction below to cancel the subscription:
1. Enter Google Play and switch to the account you used to subscribe ScamAdviser Premium plan.
2. Tap "Account".
3. Find "ScamAdviser Premium" in "Subscriptions" and click "Cancel".
According to the Google policy, the subscription will automatically renew unless you initiative cancel it during the free trial period. If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an email and provide us your order number which begins with "GPA."
According to the Google policy, the subscription will automatically renew unless you initiative cancels it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an E-mail and offer us your order number which begins with "GPA".
Because our subscription is provided by Google, if you want to use ScamAdviser Premium on your new phone, please log in to your google play account on it, and subscription will synchronize.
Because our subscription is provided by Google, so please make sure you have logged in the correct Google account on your phone, and tap "Subscribe" in the ScamAdviser app, then the subscription will synchronize. If it still doesn't synchronize, please try to uninstall ScamAdviser and re-install it later.
App Store and Google Play are based on different systems and we provide different functions between two versions, so users can't transfer the subscription between two systems.
If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an Email and provide us your order number which begins with "GPA."
We uses VPN to automatically check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
When a suspicious website is found, we will remind you through push notifications in real-time
Please upgrade your ScamAdviser App to the latest version before you can start using it. If you are a Premium subscriber, please open the ScamAdviser App > Turn on the switch fot Auto Protection to check if it is enabled.
If you have not yet add VPN configurations, allow it when you turn on the switch fot Auto Protection, and then follow the system instruction to activate Auto Protection.
We understood the risk you're worrying about, we ask for your permissions just to provide a better function for our user.
1. VPN configurations is needed to check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
2. Notification permission is needed for sending timely alert whena suspecious website is detected.
ScamAdviser uses a special algorithm to assess websites and assigns them to one of five risk levels based on their score:
1 to 20 - Very likely Unsafe: Websites in this range have a high risk of being malicious or untrustworthy. They may contain malware, phishing and scams. Please exercise extreme caution and avoid entering any personal information.
21 to 40 - Likely Unsafe: Although less risky than the previous category, you should still be careful with websites in this category. They may contain questionable offerings or practices, so be careful when downloading files or carrying out transactions.
41 to 60 - Caution Recommended: Websites in this category are not considered particularly safe or dangerous. Further research may be necessary before relying on it.
61 to 80 - Likely Safe: Websites with scores in this range are generally considered okay. They do not have a bad reputation. Caution is always advised, however, especially when you need to provide sensitive (payment) information.
81 to 100 - Very Likely Safe: Websites at this top level are considered very reliable and trustworthy. They usually belong to recognized organizations or established companies.
ScamAdviser sends notifications for websites categorized under Likely Unsafe, or Very Likely Unsafe levels, which we consider needing caution.
If you receive a notification, we recommend leaving the site immediately and refraining from sharing personal information
We check sites that you're actively visiting, as well as sites that the app is connected to in the foreground and background, so the total number of checks will exceed the number of sites you've viewed
We do not store or use your browsing history and personal data
The Trust Score also partly takes into account information whose accuracy cannot be directly verified by us, e.g. user ratings. If you have the feeling we have not given your website the right Trust Score (only a few websites have a perfect score of 100) and/or that certain user reviews submitted on our website are incorrect, please feel free to contact us.