Morten Lund

2 Beoordelingen
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Dank je wel. We proberen alle meldingen binnen 2 werkdagen te behandelen. is worth mentioning. Doing business with them are pleasant and the service is perfect. I bought a large promotion from a German company in Eleshops selection, which is very large. Everything went on time. A very trustworthy company. Best
Beoordelingsdatum 2023-05-26 15:38:39
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Rapporteer misbruik
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Dank je wel. We proberen alle meldingen binnen 2 werkdagen te behandelen.

I have been in contact with the administration of the company. They supplied me with all needed information and was quick to respond.

I have been in contact with the administration of the company. They supplied me with all needed information and was quick to respond.
Beoordelingsdatum 2023-05-12 09:27:52
Informeer ons als deze review nep is, grof taalgebruik bevat of niet voldoet aan onze review normen.
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