Yulia Kruglikov

2 Beoordelingen
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They raise money through viral advertising on Facebook. They advertise a cheap product, and then withdraw money for themselves and another site, the link appears before payment. There is no product, but the money has been withdrawn from the card. Deceptio

They raise money through viral advertising on Facebook. They advertise a cheap product, and then withdraw money for themselves and another site, the link appears before payment. There is no product, but the money has been withdrawn from the card.
Beoordelingsdatum 2023-11-05 18:36:34
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They collect money through viral advertising on Facebook. They advertise a cheap product, and then skim money for themselves and some other pet store. The product that is advertised is not on the site at all, and the money has been withdrawn. Deception.

They collect money through viral advertising on Facebook. They advertise a cheap product, and then skim money for themselves and some other pet store. The product that is advertised is not on the site at all, and the money has been withdrawn.
Beoordelingsdatum 2023-11-05 18:24:03
Informeer ons als deze review nep is, grof taalgebruik bevat of niet voldoet aan onze review normen.
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