I try to buy a product from this website and all the transaction was hard, first of all after I enter my credit card information the website wasn't able to process it. I was immediately contacted by email with a PayPal payment form.
At that point I started my problem with PayPal which locked my account. After it was unlocked I didn't receive the product for weeks and when I contacted them they wrote I need a doctor prescription which isn't true, so I decided to ask help from PayPal. PayPal resolved the case in my favor and I obtained the remboursment.<br />
Immediately after I obtained the remboursment I was contacted again from the website to pay again because the shipping costume was clear. What a coincidence!<br />
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Also guys the website has encryption issue, why you want to use it?
They are legit.
Don't panic if they ship pretty slow and they don't answer your question fast.
I purchase several times from this website and everything was just fine.