Oxicorp ha truffato centinaia di persone,hanno chiuso da un momento all'altro rubando.i soldi altrui. Tutto[removed by editor]anizzato da dominic de jong e yanis balodis.
hi everyone, I along with hundreds of people have been scammed by these characters, through an investment platform. they also had the courage to scam poor families with children, sending messages just before closing as if all was well. it is good that they are advertised, as they are most likely organizing another scam. <br />
Staff scammers :yanis balodis, markuss laiva , milos vinesius/ adam novak robert peterson dominic de jong #OxiCorp #oxicorpscam #yanisbalodis #marcusslaiva #adamnovak #gordonross #silviaklimkovic #milosvinesius