From a YT channel (Oscar evans). I almost regretted my naiveness until my report on the site right there beside my name in brackets helped to fix my withd rawal issues. All of it. You're welcome.
Met on a dating site and insisted a 10% tax for my wi thdrawal. From my review and repo rt on the site right up there in brackets beside my name, I got it fixed and outsmarted her. You're welcome.
Another one from Facebook, group name is pathfinders and the owner was a certain Ces gruger. I reviwed and repor ted on the web si te right up there in brac kets beside my name and got my complete wit hdrawa ls fixed.
Also joined on FB from a group called Financial Independence Forum and a certain Tom Sheldon guy. I forced a full re f und after re por t ing to the w ebsi te in brackets beside my name. You're welcome.
Started from Facebook to [removed by editor]. They tried to outsmart me, but I've been able to force with dr aw everything by re port ing to the w eb site in brackets beside my name. You're welcome.