An advertisement popped up on my phone .. Argus giving away storage boxes .. clicked on the item & said I was successful.. then a £1.50 payment popped ip, as I tried to exit a £1 box popped up, that I accidentally clicked .. Yes if it sounds too good to b
An advertisement popped up on my phone .. Argus giving away storage boxes .. clicked on the item & said I was successful.. then a £1.50 payment popped ip, as I tried to exit a £1 box popped up, that I accidentally clicked .. Yes if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.. <br />
so £1 came out of my account on the 25th Sept, today on the £27th there is another £59 pending .. unfortunately the fraud part of HSBCCis closed - so advised to ring back tomorrow.. <br />
Really Frustrating!! <br />
PLEASE BE AWARE - A lot of money for some of us !!