Di seguito troverai risposte alle domande richieste più frequentemente sia dai consumatori sia dai proprietari di siti web.

FAQ per rivenditori online

Come viene calcolato il punteggio?

Abbiamo sviluppato un algoritmo estremamente complesso che scansiona automaticamente un sito Web per la sua autenticità analizzando diversi fattori tecnici come la configurazione e il feedback dei consumatori in rete (sia recensioni positive sia negative), ma anche la sede fisica dell'attività, la qualità o assenza dei dettagli di contatto e molti altri fattori.

Voglio il marchio Scamadviser sul mio sito web. Cosa devo fare?

Puoi trovare le istruzioni su come aggiungere il nostro sigillo di fiducia in questa pagina.


Sono il proprietario di un sito web e non sono d'accordo col mio punteggio Scamadviser. Cosa posso fare?

Siamo consapevoli che il punteggio "Trust Score" di Scamadviser non è perfetto. Se pensi che ti sia stato assegnato un punteggio non ragionevole (tieni in considerazione che soltanto pochi ricevono 100), non esitare a contattarci!

Qual'è il rapporto tra RGDP e Scamadviser?

Spesso ci viene chiesto se mostrare informazioni riguardo al nome di un dominio consiste in una violazione della legislazione Europea RGDP (Privacy). 

Abbiamo consultato un consulente legale e abbiamo ricevuto la seguente risposta:

"Gli URL o i nomi dei domini sono dati a disposzione del pubblico. La RGDP protegge il trattamento dei dati personali. I nomi dei Domini non vengono considerati essere dati personali, quindi la RGDP non va applicata".


Domande dei consumatori

Chi c'è dietro Scamadviser?

Scamadviser è stato acquisito da the Ecommerce Operations con lo scopo di rendere il commercio online più sicuro per tutti.

Voglio riportare un sito web fraudolento

Siamo sempre dispiaciuti di sentire le vostre storie di truffe e frodi online. Se vuoi riportare un sito web fraudolento, utilizza il nostro motore di ricerca nella parte superiore di questa pagina per trovare il sito web e lasciare una recensione, così da evitare che anche altri consumatori vengano truffati! Puoi anche Segnalare una Truffa se vuoi condividere la tua esperienza.

Sono stato truffato. E ora?

Per prima cosa contatta l'azienda che ha effettuato il tuo pagamento (Paypal, Adyen, Ingenico, etc.) specificando di essere stato truffato da un sito web inaffidabile e chiedendo loro di rimborsarti la somma spesa.

La tua banca potrebbe essere d'aiuto a seconda della situazione.

Se hai pagato tramite carta di credito, contatta la tua banca e chiedi di iniziare il "processo di rimborso".

Infine, lascia una recensione su Scamadviser riguardo quel sito web in modo da prevenire che anche altri vengano truffati.

Adoro Scamadviser! Dove posso lasciare una recensione?

Ti ringraziamo per l'interesse! Puoi lasciare una recensione di Scamadviser direttamente sulla nostra pagina Facebook o sul sulla nostra pagina!


Se a un sito web è stato assegnato un punteggio molto alto, questo significa che sono protetto da ogni tipo di rischio?

No! Il nostro punteggio serve da guida. Il normale buon senso dovrebbe sempre prevalere. Facciamo del nostro meglio per fornire un punteggio accurato e misurato ma devi tenere di conto che le compagnie spesso cambiano gestione, spariscono dal mercato o nascondono la loro vera identità assumendone un'altra, utilizzando tecniche molto raffinate e di difficile individuazione.  Non ci è purtroppo possibile controllare ogni sito Web in ogni momento...(non ancora, per lo meno).

Come mi devo comportare se il sito che sto controllando ha un punteggio basso/è segnalato come ad alto rischio?

Dipende da te! Assegniamo un punteggio basato su 40 diversi criteri, alcuni dei quali potrebbero non essere rilevanti per te. Per esempio se un sito web ha come estensione "", ma ha in realtà sede in Cina. Questo potrebbe non essere rilevante per te, dunque procederai con la tua navigazione. Il punteggio di rischio nasce ed è inteso puramente come una guida.

Perché il processo di controllo è cos' lungo?

Talvolta, controllare un sito web può richiedere un po' di tempo. Ce la mettiamo tutta per rendere le cose veloci ed efficienti ma dobbiamo controllare molti fattori e talvolta contattare agenzie che lavorano in altri paesi. Vogliamo fornire un punteggio accurato e questo processo può richiedere del tempo. Siamo convinti che un minuto del tuo tempo perso nell'attesa, sia prezioso per impedirti di ordinare da un sito fraudolento e perdere denaro!

Questions from iOS App Users

Where can I adjust my subscription plan? Where can I find it in the App?

If you want to adjust the subscription plan, there are two following methods:

Go to 'Settings' in the ScamAdviser app, click 'Manage Subscription', and then go to the App Store to adjust the subscription plan.
Go directly to 'Account' > 'Subscriptions' > 'ScamAdviser' in the App Store to adjust the subscription plan.

Why is the subscription status in the ScamAdviser app different from the status of the App Store plan after adjusting the subscription plan?

Based on the term of use of the App store, if you choose to upgrade when adjusting the plan (such as upgrading from "Monthly Plan" to "Yearly Plan"), the change will take effect immediately; if you choose to downgrade when adjusting the plan (such as upgrading from "Yearly Plan" downgraded to "Monthly Plan"), the change will not be displayed until the end of the original current subscription service period.

I just want to use the free trial, why am I being charged?

According to the terms of the App Store, the subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please apply to

How to cancel my ScamAdviser Premium subscription?

Our subscription is provided by the App Store.
If you want to cancel the subscription, please refer to the following steps:

Enter iOS Settings -> Tap your name -> Subscriptions.
Find ScamAdviser Premium Plan -> Tap Cancel subscription.

My ScamAdviser Premium was automatically renewed, how do I apply for a refund?

According to the terms of the App Store, the subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please apply to

What is "Auto Protection"? What functions are included?

We uses VPN to automatically check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
When a suspicious website is found, we will remind you through push notifications in real-time

How to enable the "Auto Protection" function?

Please upgrade your ScamAdviser App to the latest version before you can start using it. If you are a Premium subscriber, please open the ScamAdviser App > Turn on the switch fot Auto Protection to check if it is enabled.

If you have not yet add VPN configurations, allow it when you turn on the switch fot Auto Protection, and then follow the system instruction to activate Auto Protection.

What permissions does Auto Protection need?

We understood the risk you're worrying about, we ask for your permissions just to provide a better function for our user.

1. VPN configurations is needed to check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
2. Notification permission is needed for sending timely alert whena suspecious website is detected.

What are ScamAdviser's risk Levels?

ScamAdviser uses a special algorithm to assess websites and assigns them to one of five risk levels based on their score:
1 to 20 - Very likely Unsafe: Websites in this range have a high risk of being malicious or untrustworthy. They may contain malware, phishing and scams. Please exercise extreme caution and avoid entering any personal information.

21 to 40 - Likely Unsafe: Although less risky than the previous category, you should still be careful with websites in this category. They may contain questionable offerings or practices, so be careful when downloading files or carrying out transactions.

41 to 60 - Caution Recommended: Websites in this category are not considered particularly safe or dangerous. Further research may be necessary before relying on it.

61 to 80 - Likely Safe: Websites with scores in this range are generally considered okay. They do not have a bad reputation. Caution is always advised, however, especially when you need to provide sensitive (payment) information.

81 to 100 - Very Likely Safe: Websites at this top level are considered very reliable and trustworthy. They usually belong to recognized organizations or established companies.

When will I receive a potential risk notification?

ScamAdviser sends notifications for websites categorized under Likely Unsafe, or Very Likely Unsafe levels, which we consider needing caution.

What actions should I take when I receive a potential risk notification?

If you receive a notification, we recommend leaving the site immediately and refraining from sharing personal information

Why is the Total Number of Checks Greater Than the Number of Sites I Viewed?

We check sites that you're actively visiting, as well as sites that the app is connected to in the foreground and background, so the total number of checks will exceed the number of sites you've viewed

How does ScamAdviser handle my data?

We do not store or use your browsing history and personal data

I am the owner of a website and I do not agree with my Trust Score, what should I do?

The Trust Score also partly takes into account information whose accuracy cannot be directly verified by us, e.g. user ratings. If you have the feeling we have not given your website the right Trust Score (only a few websites have a perfect score of 100) and/or that certain user reviews submitted on our website are incorrect, please feel free to contact us.

Questions from Android App Users

How to cancel my subscription?

If you want to cancel the subscription, please follow the instruction below to cancel the subscription:
1. Enter Google Play and switch to the account you used to subscribe ScamAdviser Premium plan.
2. Tap "Account".
3. Find "ScamAdviser Premium" in "Subscriptions" and click "Cancel".

I just want to use the free trial version, why am I being charged?

According to the Google policy, the subscription will automatically renew unless you initiative cancel it during the free trial period. If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an email and provide us your order number which begins with "GPA."

My subscription was automatically renewed, how can I apply for a refund?

According to the Google policy, the subscription will automatically renew unless you initiative cancels it during the free trial period.
If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an E-mail and offer us your order number which begins with "GPA".

How to transfer my subscription to my new phone?

Because our subscription is provided by Google, if you want to use ScamAdviser Premium on your new phone, please log in to your google play account on it, and subscription will synchronize.

I've subscribed ScamAdviser Premium, why can‘t I find my subscription record?

Because our subscription is provided by Google, so please make sure you have logged in the correct Google account on your phone, and tap "Subscribe" in the ScamAdviser app, then the subscription will synchronize. If it still doesn't synchronize, please try to uninstall ScamAdviser and re-install it later.

I have subscribed to ScamAdviser Premium on the Android version, but now I am an iPhone user. Can I transfer my subscription?

App Store and Google Play are based on different systems and we provide different functions between two versions, so users can't transfer the subscription between two systems.
If you want to apply for a refund, please send us an Email and provide us your order number which begins with "GPA."

What is "Auto Protection"? What functions are included?

We uses VPN to automatically check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
When a suspicious website is found, we will remind you through push notifications in real-time

How to enable the "Auto Protection" function?

Please upgrade your ScamAdviser App to the latest version before you can start using it. If you are a Premium subscriber, please open the ScamAdviser App > Turn on the switch fot Auto Protection to check if it is enabled.

If you have not yet add VPN configurations, allow it when you turn on the switch fot Auto Protection, and then follow the system instruction to activate Auto Protection.

What permissions does Auto Protection need?

We understood the risk you're worrying about, we ask for your permissions just to provide a better function for our user.

1. VPN configurations is needed to check whether the websites you visit and the domains connected to apps on your phone are risky.
2. Notification permission is needed for sending timely alert whena suspecious website is detected.

What are ScamAdviser's risk levels?

ScamAdviser uses a special algorithm to assess websites and assigns them to one of five risk levels based on their score:
1 to 20 - Very likely Unsafe: Websites in this range have a high risk of being malicious or untrustworthy. They may contain malware, phishing and scams. Please exercise extreme caution and avoid entering any personal information.

21 to 40 - Likely Unsafe: Although less risky than the previous category, you should still be careful with websites in this category. They may contain questionable offerings or practices, so be careful when downloading files or carrying out transactions.

41 to 60 - Caution Recommended: Websites in this category are not considered particularly safe or dangerous. Further research may be necessary before relying on it.

61 to 80 - Likely Safe: Websites with scores in this range are generally considered okay. They do not have a bad reputation. Caution is always advised, however, especially when you need to provide sensitive (payment) information.

81 to 100 - Very Likely Safe: Websites at this top level are considered very reliable and trustworthy. They usually belong to recognized organizations or established companies.

When will I receive a potential risk notification?

ScamAdviser sends notifications for websites categorized under Likely Unsafe, or Very Likely Unsafe levels, which we consider needing caution.

What actions should I take when I receive a potential risk notification?

If you receive a notification, we recommend leaving the site immediately and refraining from sharing personal information

Why is the Total Number of checks greater than the number of sites I viewed?

We check sites that you're actively visiting, as well as sites that the app is connected to in the foreground and background, so the total number of checks will exceed the number of sites you've viewed

How does ScamAdviser handle my data?

We do not store or use your browsing history and personal data

I am the owner of a website and I do not agree with my Trust Score, what should I do?

The Trust Score also partly takes into account information whose accuracy cannot be directly verified by us, e.g. user ratings. If you have the feeling we have not given your website the right Trust Score (only a few websites have a perfect score of 100) and/or that certain user reviews submitted on our website are incorrect, please feel free to contact us.