Segnala uso inappropriato di recensioni
Grazie. Cerchiamo di processare tutte le segnalazioni nell'arco di 2 giorni lavorativi.
I had $52,000 in total on this investment platform. Several weeks of sending E-mails and appealing to the team to allow me withdraw, kept getting declined. Instead they kept asking me to pay more to clear taxes and withdrawal fees. No matter how
many times I paid I still wasn't granted withdrawal. I had to get help, which made me file a rreport to financial investigators, "ScamsArmy(:at:)Gmx.©om" via mail.... or +1(812) (359) (6010) via what,sAqq.... OR 'scamsarmyresQ' on teLegram. They were able to help me trace and re-trieve all funds..
Data della recensione 2025-01-09 20:04:56