Segnala uso inappropriato di recensioni
Grazie. Cerchiamo di processare tutte le segnalazioni nell'arco di 2 giorni lavorativi.
I am a successful businessman and simply stumbled on this persons marketing website. So, just out of curiosity I decided to look at what this woman had to offer.
My personal opinion is that Lara Mcilwraith does not explain in basic common sense what
it is that she actually does or what she has to offer! She also goes on, and on, and on.... well you get the drift (off to sleep). In addition, she seems to repeat many things in her video that don't actually mean anything or make sense. She keeps mentioning a "Remote Transformational Advisor". That could mean anything from a brain surgeon to a Sam Witwiky wanna-be who's best friend just happens to be Optimus Prime!<br />
This woman even shows you all one of her invoices for some of the monthly incomes that she's received. Well, I can make up an invoice even better than that in just 15 minutes with whatever figures I like. She also blanks out a few key words in her invoices that may give her away! She even boasts that some of her clients have made monthly incomes with 5 or even 6 figure sums! Well, if this is the kind of money that she's been making then why is she still here trying to persuade you to allow her to be your "Mentor on your new path of life."<br />
I mean c'mon folks, your not all that stupid... are you?<br />
In a nutshell...KEEP AWAY and DO NOT send her any money because your definitely wasting your time when you could be using that valuable money and time doing something real! If you naïve to fall for her marketing video then don't say I didn't warn you!<br />
Best of luck<br />
Okay, I'm off to play with my friend Optimus Prime! Lol!
Data della recensione 2024-12-29 18:34:33