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Grazie. Cerchiamo di processare tutte le segnalazioni nell'arco di 2 giorni lavorativi.
Scam Alert!!! Unfortunately I believed all the promises and invested a lot of my savings which amounted to about 120,000 USDT into this site. I made a lot of profit and my account balance grew to over 1,000,000 USDT which I tried to withdraw from
multiple times but all attempts were denied. When they discovered that I already knew it was all scam based on my requests and communication with them, they eventually stopped responding to my emails and locked my account. Thanks to a review I saw on Quora when I thought all was lost recommending this great recoup firm for victims cheated by this site. I contacted “http://[removed by editor] " and got back my digital assets from these frauudsters in no time. Support centre also available on whatsa via +1(516) 4676-754 or on Google mail for immediate response {benwhitte3333﹫Gmaℹl ;COM}. Try them and thank me later
Data della recensione 2024-12-19 15:29:59