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2 Beoordelingen
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This is a scaam that involves people around Europe and many different actors, from sweden,france and italy as they say but the name they use is EVA Vestlund in Sweden, Christer Nilsson Sweden and Apovo Alexis France and many more but its like groups who w

This is a scaam that involves people around Europe and many different actors, from sweden,france and italy as they say but the name they use is EVA Vestlund in Sweden,
Christer Nilsson Sweden and Apovo Alexis France and many more but its like groups
Data della recensione 2024-12-15 01:07:31
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Hello this is scam nothing else, they use peoples needs about money and they make you pay, and all of the so called partners to and the biggest is accesloan[removed by editor] and the interesting is that they all fall back to Benin , why not shut it
Data della recensione 2024-11-17 21:35:49
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