They don't have meaningful data and their own mentions online are obviously fake reviews.
Bewertungsdatum 2021-06-25 01:05:21
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The site advertised a complete dating app template with a front end, back end, and numerous features that don't work and are not actually included in the code. The site offers 24 hour refunds, but the owner and developer Florian Marcu ignored all my requests and did not refund me for the incomplete code. This dude advertises that he works for facebook but he doesn't. He is a coder, but he is not honest.
Bewertungsdatum 2021-01-29 07:05:26
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Literally a scam. I bought services from this guys site and after i threatened to chargeback (three weeks later), he said he did the work and couldn't find my partner. In that time I used two competitor services which both found my partners profile. This is ran by someone in India and its just a money collector. Buyer Beware!!!!
Bewertungsdatum 2019-10-02 07:41:20
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