oanda.com Reviews

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is oanda.com a scam or legit?

The trust rating is high. Might be safe.

What is your feeling about oanda.com?

oanda.com has an average to good trust score. Why?

It seems that oanda.com is legit and safe to use and not a scam website.

The review of oanda.com is positive. The positive trust score is based on an automated analysis of 40 different data sources we checked online such as the technology used, the location of the company, other websites found on the same web server, etcetera.

Websites that score 80% or higher are in general safe to use with 100% being very safe. Still we strongly recommend to do your own vetting of each new website where you plan to shop or leave your contact details. There have been cases where criminals have bought highly reliable websites. You can use our article "How to recognize a scam website" to create your own opinion.

Positive highlights

This website is receiving a lot of traffic according to Tranco ()

An external review system has been detected

This website offers payment methods which allow you to get your money back

We found mainly positive reviews for this site

According to the SSL check the certificate is valid 

This website has existed for quite some years

DNSFilter considers this website safe

This website has been classified safe by Maltiverse

Negative highlights
You seem to be able to download games from this site

We detected words referring to Multi-level Marketing initiatives which may be scammy

According to Complytron, this website has been sanctioned or blacklisted


Consumer reviews about oanda.com

Mainly positive reviews

Most likely if you’re reading this you will have been through the horrors of Internet investment failing deals and you have fallen victim of a forex broker. Such a nightmare is quite damaging psychologically and a distroyer of trust on so many
They push installed figures on your profiles and wouldn't allow you to earn profit, fake crypto trading platform, I found a tech expert on Optimaltriontech ﹫ℊmaℹl. ¢om and ᴡᴀᴛʜꜱᴀᴘᴘ: +15037580807 who made it possible to get my
OANDA is a scam platform. After i invested my money with them , few days later they told me I had to put in another 7 thousand just to get my money out, that was when i realized they were fake and only wanted more of my money . I don’t know how
This company pretends to offer mouth watering opportunities to its investors. I invested in two of my account which one was 4000usdt and other account 10000usdt and the one that I invest 11000usdt the company promise to double it because of their


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Download the ScamAdviser App & Browser Extensions

Avoid online scams effortlessly with ScamAdviser! Our free app, available in beta for Android and iOS, and browser extensions for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari, provide real-time alerts to help you determine if a website is legitimate or a scam. Install ScamAdviser on multiple devices, including those of your family and friends, to ensure everyone's online safety.

Complete Review oanda.com

Company Evaluation

We discovered keywords referring to Multi-level marketing. This kind of initiative can be very risky for participants. Especially if they are vague about the product or service actually being sold and if they require you to pay an upfront fee in order to participate. Please check our blog post on Multilevel Marketing Scams before you proceed. 

Cloudflare is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) platform. The platform provides only web performance and security, and not web hosting services. Cloudflare also partners with IBM Cloud and Google Cloud Platform, which means that the three organizations have many shared renowned clients. One of Cloudflare's most well-known offerings is its Domain Name Service (DNS), which incorporates security safeguards including a Web Application Firewall and a DDoS-blocker. Many trustworthy companies and platforms, including ScamAdviser, use the platform because of its established reputation; nevertheless, like everything else on the internet, scammers can still abuse it.

Webshop Evaluation

We discovered that the website is rated as popular by Tranco with a score of . This means that the website is visited by quite a lot of people. In addition other websites find this website interesting and relevant and are linking to it. As a result we increased our review score.

This website is using an external review system. This means that reviews are collected by a third party such as Google, Trustpilot, Sitejabber or Resellerrating. While these reviews can still be manipulated (you can buy a fake review for a few dollars) it is less easy than just showing reviews directly on your website. We consider this a positive thing. Read our blog post "How to recognize fake reviews" to learn more.

The website allows you to download games (at least it seems). There are many companies that offer such service safely. However, when considering downloading games, please be aware that several scammers are offering illegal downloads of games. It may be tied to a costly subscription service or the files may contain viruses or other malicious software. If you like to learn more, please check our blog post: "Alternatives for illegal downloading".

We discovered that the domain of this website has been registered several years ago. Websites of scammers are usually very new. Still, you have to be careful. Scammers nowadays also buy old and existing websites to start their malpractice. Checking a website for other scam signals remains essential. 

Technical Evaluation

This webshop is offering payment methods that can be considered reasonably safe such as credit card and Paypal. These companies usually offer the option to get your money back in case the merchant does not deliver or the product has been broken during transportation. However, no payment method gives money back all the time. Make sure you file a complaint in time and be careful with the limitations your credit card or payment methods have set. Our blog post on Safe Payment Methods discusses all payment methods offered.

We found a valid SSL Certificate. An SSL certificate is used to secure communication between your computer and the website. There are different levels of SSL certification. A free one is also available and this one is used by online scammers. Still, not having an SSL certificate is worse than having one, especially if you have to enter your contact details.

Facts about oanda.com

Key facts
Alexa rank
Domain age
27 years from now
WHOIS data
Website data
Redirecting from website
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Domain age
27 years from now
Website Speed
SSL certificate valid
SSL type
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer
Let's Encrypt
WHOIS registration date
WHOIS last update date
WHOIS renew date
Industry - Cryptocurrency, Review System***, Brands, Financial Services - High Risk Countries, Registration Possible, Gift Card - Brands, Amazon Phishing, Industry - Media - Games, Deals, Financial - Popular Banks, Corona Virus - High Risk, Bank of America, Payment Methods - Reliable, Industry - Media Subscription Services, Corona - Vaccine Brands, Language - English
CloudFlare Inc.
Tucows Domains Inc.
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Server name

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About this report

The rating of oanda.com has been viewed 2274 times.
First analyzed: 2020-09-26 22:16:38. Last updated: 2024-06-24 11:29:22

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