exness.uk Reviews

is exness.uk a scam or legit?

This website has been reported as possible scam by Chong Lua Dao.

What is your feeling about exness.uk?

exness.uk has a very low trust score. Why?

We scanned exness.uk for several indicators and we think the website may be a scam. Exercise extreme caution when using this website.

Scamadviser reviews each website automatically for 40 different elements like who owns the website, are the contact details hidden, where is the website hosted, what is the technology being used, and much, much more. Based on all the information gathered, we create a trust score.

exness.uk has a very low trust score according to our algorithm. However, computers may be wrong. The website has a strong indicator of being a scam but might be safe to use. We recommend you check the website using our check list or by contacting the company directly.

Positive highlights

This website is receiving a lot of traffic according to Tranco (20)

An external review system has been detected

We found several positive reviews for this site

According to the SSL check the certificate is valid 

This website has existed for quite some years

DNSFilter considers this website safe

Negative highlights

Consumer reviews about exness.uk

Very positive reviews

Total reviews: 13468 Average score: 4.7 stars Learn more
The total score is based on reviews found on the following sites
You invest to make a profit but not to be scammed, I was a victim but I reported to (̲ w w w . withdraw̲a̲l̲c̲omplaint . onl̲ine)̲ on whats̲sapp: +1 714 8̲5̲7̲ 5044 and they assisted me to get it back
I've personally experienced how devastating frauds can be. I lost $1500,000 to con artists who prevented me from withdrawing my money and demanded further fees despite their promises of assured investment returns. I was about to quit up when a
I Stennett Steven recouped my lost $211,800 on this platform through the assist of this company Remedy the situation though their expertise. you can seek for assistance
W:h:a t’s a:p p:p: +191 6873 3464
Tel_grm: R:E:V:i:V:E:P:R:O
I’ve lost over $800,000 to this company which I never thought I can get back my lost, thanks to Achieves Expert that helped me reclaimed my lost, Contact this company if you have lost your funds.
E-mail: fast coin retrace﹫ℊmaℹ|.¢OM.


Wanted- B2C Marketing Manager / Growth Hacker

Are you a marketing guru with a passion for protecting consumers? ScamAdviser is on the hunt for a creative B2C Marketing Manager who can turn ideas into impactful actions. With a bachelor’s degree, 5+ years of online marketing savvy, and a flair for growth hacking, you’ll drive engagement, spearhead viral campaigns, and help us outsmart scammers. We offer a competitive salary, an attractive bonus package, a high degree of independence, and flexible working hours—all from the comfort of your home in an international environment. Ready to lead a global mission and be a key player in the fight against online fraud? Apply now by sending your LinkedIn profile here. We do not reply to recruitment agencies.

Download the ScamAdviser App & Browser Extensions

Avoid online scams effortlessly with ScamAdviser! Our free app, available in beta for Android and iOS, and browser extensions for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari, provide real-time alerts to help you determine if a website is legitimate or a scam. Install ScamAdviser on multiple devices, including those of your family and friends, to ensure everyone's online safety.

Complete Review exness.uk

Webshop Evaluation

We discovered that the website is rated as popular by Tranco with a score of 20. This means that the website is visited by quite a lot of people. In addition other websites find this website interesting and relevant and are linking to it. As a result we increased our review score.

This website is using an external review system. This means that reviews are collected by a third party such as Google, Trustpilot, Sitejabber or Resellerrating. While these reviews can still be manipulated (you can buy a fake review for a few dollars) it is less easy than just showing reviews directly on your website. We consider this a positive thing. Read our blog post "How to recognize fake reviews" to learn more.

We discovered that the domain of this website has been registered several years ago. Websites of scammers are usually very new. Still, you have to be careful. Scammers nowadays also buy old and existing websites to start their malpractice. Checking a website for other scam signals remains essential. 

Technical Evaluation

We found a valid SSL Certificate. An SSL certificate is used to secure communication between your computer and the website. There are different levels of SSL certification. A free one is also available and this one is used by online scammers. Still, not having an SSL certificate is worse than having one, especially if you have to enter your contact details.

Facts about exness.uk

Key facts
Alexa rank
Domain age
10 years from now
WHOIS data
Website data
Redirecting from website
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Exness UK B2B | Multi-asset broker Exness enters the B2B sector
Domain age
10 years from now
Website Speed
Very Fast
SSL certificate valid
SSL type
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer
Sectigo Limited
WHOIS registration date
WHOIS last update date
WHOIS renew date
Review System***, Brands, Registration Possible, Financial Services - High Risk Countries, Helpdesk, Language - English
Incapsula Inc
Markmonitor Inc. [Tag = MARKMONITOR]
Register website
Server name

Request HTTP status





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About this report

The rating of exness.uk has been viewed 19872 times.
First analyzed: 2020-09-30 15:42:58. Last updated: 2024-11-07 20:59:30

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