Daniel Louis

10 Reviews
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I lost a huge amount of money when

I lost a huge amount of money when I met a lady on an online app and she asked me if I knew bitcoin. I answered yes. Then she told me to invest. I said no she will teach me how to do it and how I can gain passive income. I even borrow money from my
Review date 2022-10-26 12:46:21
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lady on an online app and she asked me

a lady on an online app and she asked me if I knew bitcoin. I answered yes. Then she told me to invest. I said no she will teach me how to do it and how I can gain passive income. I even borrow money from my boss just to invest. And after the trade
Review date 2022-10-26 12:43:03
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They will contact you through [removed by editor]

They will contact you through [removed by editor] and entice you with the huge earnings they're making. Then, they start encouraging you to do the same and invest in them . Once you do, you start making good profits However, you will never be able
Review date 2022-10-26 12:40:29
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I lost a huge amount of money when I me

This platform is a defrauding website. They are fraudsters who pose as cryptocurrency miners in order to ask you to invest huge amounts but you can’t withdraw. I was a victim I lost $6,000USDT but if not for my colleague who introduced me to
Review date 2022-10-26 12:32:27
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They are doing business just for

They are doing business just for scamming. When in your account bulk money, they demand to pay profit tax or commission and block withdrawal. They are working in a team to scam people, sometimes they contact you as a victim drama and then after you
Review date 2022-10-26 12:29:05
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advised me to join the VIP group. It was

advised me to join the VIP group. It was for a minimum requirement of 10000 usdt in the trade wallet so I added 7000usdt and started trading.After the trade was over, the analyst got a huge amount of USDT in my trading account. He said to settle
Review date 2022-10-23 06:00:15
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This platform is a defrauding website. T

This platform is a defrauding website. They are fraudsters who pose as cryptocurrency miners in order to ask you to invest huge amounts but you can’t withdraw. I was a victim I lost $16,000 USDT but if not for my colleague who introduced me to
Review date 2022-10-23 05:58:03
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nce you put the money, and start the pro

nce you put the money, and start the profit plan, things will first look green with your account balance increasing rapidly. But when you want to withdraw the same is when the problem starts, they ask you to pay more money in one form or the other
Review date 2022-10-23 05:53:26
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I met a lady on an online app and she as

I met a lady on an online app and she asked me if I knew bitcoin i answered yes. Then she told me to invest. I said no she will teach me how to do it and how I can gain passive income. I even borrow money from my boss just to invest. And after the
Review date 2022-10-23 05:48:38
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they demand to pay profit tax or commis

they demand to pay profit tax or commission and block withdrawal. They are working in a team to scam people, sometimes they contact you as a victim drama and then after you believe the victim claimed that he got withdrawal from headquarters staff
Review date 2022-10-23 05:44:58
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