Keith Cartmell

5 Reviews
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The requirements are never-ending. This scheme refused to let me withdraw and repeatedly asked me to give more. When I realized my money was about to be lost, I had to seek assistance. I forwarded a reportt to "Scamsarmyresq" on tel'gr:am and also
Review date 2025-03-18 11:40:04
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Nothing works as advertised by this platform. It's a trap to lose your m0ney. Too many unreal reasons to keep making deposits yet unable to withdraw. Rep0rt this scam to +1(812) (359) (6010) on what,sAqq.. Or to 'Scamsarmy(.AT:)gmx.¢om' Ema¡l or
Review date 2025-03-18 11:39:14
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Stay away from I have lost my finances here. Withdrawals never happen even after paying several continuous fees. They just tell lies to extort more money from victims. Fortunately I got h£lp from a financial investigation team in
Review date 2025-03-18 11:38:52
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A financial investigation team helped me after I blindly fell for this scam and couldn't withdraw. Their careful and explanatory procedures made me feel confident. They reccovered all my m0ney and It is the best feeling I have had in a long time. I
Review date 2025-03-18 11:38:25
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They took advantage of my need to make extra income and attempted to steal from me under the disguise of investing. After I put in $27,000 and built my account up to $93,000, I was suddenly denied access to withdraw my funds, despite meeting all the
Review date 2025-03-18 11:37:52
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